Friday, April 2, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Oh My!
I attended a student monitoring group in my base hospital for nursing, and it had to be the single most depressing twenty five minutes...seriously. Run by some of the most hateful nursing administrators it was such a complete and utter waste of time. The administrators so not actually give a shit about nursing students and pretty much every suggestion made was met with a resounding No. And it wasn't a 'No, because we feel....blah blah blah'..it was just a No. End Of. It is actually no wonder I dislike nursing so much. Actually the funny thing is that from what I can see even the nursing students who actually want careers as nurses hate the nursing and the dreaded PLACEMENT!dun dun dun...Luckily I have another couple of months before I have to endure placement. It is not the long hours that bother me. Nor is it the lack of pay, ugly uniform or being treated like shit by senior staff numbers. It is the fact that in some ways I am so close to what I want to do, I'm surrounded by doctors and sick people and I get to see and do some really amazing and interesting things and yet I am so far removed from the world of medicine.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hello Blog Readers

Anyways..this means that I have to do a little known exam called the GAMSAT, which is it seems one of Dante's circles of hell. The exam is on March 20th...which is twenty days time, which is terrifying...and means less time for my random blog entries........pray for me!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hello Blog Readers

Monday, February 22, 2010
Hello Blog Readers
On a slightly less enthusiastic level I have to admit to actually wanting to stab CRR in the eye with something sharp today. How to describe CRR without giving out her true identity.....? Hmm, it doesn't matter, I'm sure her two friends won't be reading this. Trust me when I tell you to know her is to hate her...she is a hateful excuse for a human being! I can count on one (Simpson) hand the number of people who actually like her.....ugh....
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hello Blog Readers
"No I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what is wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how."-Rhett Butler, Gone With the Wind.
''Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves''-Albert Einstein.
"And sometimes when the night is slow, the wretched and the meek, we gather up our hearts and go, a thousand kisses deep.''-Leonard Cohen.
"And I think I'd miss you even if we never met.''-Nick Mercer, The Wedding Date.
''She puts her hand over mine, down in the lime tree arbour, through every breath that I breathe, and every place that I go, there is a hand that protects me, and I do love her so''.-Nick Cave.
''It's never Lupus.''-Dr. Gregory House.'
''Caning works!And I think it's about time we did a little bit more of it right here...yes we cane!''-Sue Sylvester, Glee.
"I empower my cheerios to be champions. Do they go to college? I don't know. I don't care. Should they learn Spanish? Sure, if they wanna become dishwashers and gardeners.''-Sue Sylvester, Glee.
Carter(They are talking about how old they were when they lost their virginity):"Haha, I was 11.'' Susan :'Eleven years old?!'. Abby: ''Really? How old was she?''. Carter: 'I don't know...25''. Susan: ''You're kidding me.'' Abby: 'Oh. My God''. Carter:' She was one of the maids'. Susan:' Did you pay her?'. Carter:' My Parents did'. Gallant: 'To have sex with you?'. Carter: ''To be a maid!''.- Various characters of ER.
Christina Yang :'Katie competes in beauty pageants''. Derek Shepard:' I know that, but we have to save her life anyway'. -Dr Yang and Dr. Shepard, Greys Anatomy.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hello Blog Readers
Things I like;
Frogs..but not in real life...Kermit....what a man!
Che Guevara...I'm not too arsed about what he did or didn't do for Cuba, I just think he was an attractive man.
Tyler Hilton, Michael Buble, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen and Paolo Nutini...amazing musicians and also very attractive men.
Hospital Dramas...Greys/ER./Casualty/All Saints...I love them all...even though they give false expectations of the hospital scenario...*sigh*
House..technically it fits into the previous category but is just so fabulous it deserves its own mention..and I love House himself..and Chase....And Wilson..and it is a pity Foreman isn't attractive because he has a nice personality.
OK..that's enough positivity for one blog..things I don't like;
Guy's Girls or girls who think they are above make-up..if you don't know what either of these are then chances are you fall into one of the two categories which means I don't like you..go away.
C.R.R.....she knows who she is, I'm sure if I actually succeed in ranting...blogging regularly her name will come up followed by a torrent of abuse.
Being wrong...although it isn't relevant because I am never wrong.
Losing..or worse still people who say 'It is not the winning or losing that matters'...if that were true why would we even bother giving prizes?!
Small children in public places...can they not be stored somewhere until they can act like civil human beings?
Hmmm...ok that is enough..god forbid you get the wrong idea about me and think I'm a negative person